Do you know what Mums are thinking at the moment?
If not, we’ve got your back.
We continuously reach out to Mums within our market research panel of 10,000 participants for feedback on current affairs. This way, we can give you clarity around trends and certainty around Mums’ purchasing behavior, that leads to more sales.

See below recent stats, facts + our market observations regarding hot topics:
1. How much do Mums care about ‘Sustainability’ when purchasing?
Does this generation care enough to drive brands to improve eco-footprint?
- 84% of Mums care about purchasing products that are environmentally friendly
- 16% of Mums are “not fussed”
- Those buyers who do care, are most concerned with:
- 55%: “The company’s overall commitment to eco practices”
- 35%: “How the product is made”
- 10%: “Eco-friendly packaging”
- 76% of Mums care MORE than last year about buying environmentally friendly
- 20% of respondents share the same views as last year and a tiny 3% care LESS
KB Verdict:
- Sustainability practices will go mainstream and consumers will expect this
- The key is for brands to be at the forefront, communicate positioning and to be aware of contradictory practices that could create backlash.
2. Are Coles ‘Little Shop’ collectables driving sales for brands featured in the range?
Financial Review noted, “Coles’ program is funded by brands such as Arnott’s, Vegemite, Heinz, Chobani, Finish, Leggos, who pay to participate hoping to receive sales boost.” So, who’s collecting and then who’s buying the full-size product?
- 44% of Mums are collecting the ‘Coles’ Little Shop Collectibles, 56% are not
- Of the collectors, only 2% consciously purchased the life-size product as a result!
KB Verdict:
- The craze will stay but the ROI for brands funding program needs to improve
- If you’re launching a collectable, launch when FMCG promo is off. The kids, nor parents, will spare $ to pay for it if there’s a “free” collectable available
3. Digital Nappies – do Mums want that much product innovation?
Lumi by Pampers is launching a ‘smart’ nappy in the US that pushes smartphones alerts when baby’s nappy needs changing. Genius or poo-poo idea? (pun intended)
- 71% of Mums were against it!
- Only 29% were open to this innovative product idea
KB Verdict:
- Not all products need OTT innovation – depends if your customers care for it
- Market research will validate a sales opportunity, vs interesting pr hook
So… given “Knowledge = Profit”, have you recently asked Mums:
What stops her from buying your product?
Why she bought from your competitor instead of your brand?
Her pathway to purchase to identify critical touchpoints?
If you answered ‘no’, you’re missing out on customers. If you are serious about market growth, let’s jump on a 15 minute evaluation call. In this call we will: |