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Here’s is an insight we thought we would share about one of our first time exhibitors of the Bloggers Brunch™️ – Australia’s Premier Influencer Marketing Events.

Vetta Pasta were initially hesitant and not really sure if this event would get their message heard, understood, and extensively/authentically promoted by influencers. They’d already tried influencer outreach on their own which didn’t work. It was via a DIY online platform and said this about their previous experience:

Experience BEFORE working with Kids Business:

“It was a very time-consuming process. YOU have to conduct your own search, create a shortlist, do your due diligence, try ensure their profile resonates with your brand. In many cases: Influences didn’t follow the brief and their content wasn’t inline with our message.” Emilie, Marketing Manager, Vetta

When influencers aren’t the best fit, and don’t relate to the message, the style of content and engagement lacks impact and results are poor.

Vetta wanted to try again, this time used Kids Business to drive the process.

  • With our pre-event training, we worked with Vetta to craft the execution of the brand message to maximise cut-through, heighten engagement and drive advocacy
  • Then we started screening and educating influencers, even before the event
  • We set up 95 meetings with engaged influencers (who access 3.1 Million Mums)
  • At the event, we rolled out a 2-way educational experience for Vetta to directly inspire influencers – face to face; While trialing the pasta of course!

Experience AFTER working with Kids Business

Vetta soon realised this was more than your standard influencer outreach and said:

  • We weren’t expecting this much coverage!
  • It’s so valuable because influencers have already been screened
  • Then they get to meet us face to face to try the product. It’s WIN WIN!
  • We get to assess if we’re a great fit for them and if they’re great for us
  • A lot of influencers said ‘we see the brand in supermarkets but we don’t know the story behind the brand and the product benefits’
  • The Bloggers Brunch has been extremely beneficial for our brand
  • A unique opportunity FOR US to raise awareness and tell our brand story
  • The really special thing about today is: that interaction with influencers who are getting to know Vetta. Then – we get to interact with their followers.”

We leveraged and amplified the outcomes for Vetta by merging the power and reach of online, with the power and engagement of offline. In 4 hours:

  • Vetta exceeded their goals and kicked off a huge promotional campaign, saving months of work and $$$ along the way.
  • No mistakes or missed opportunities
  • 90% of influencers will now switch from their usual pasta brand to Vetta
  • More converted buyers = More powerful advocates
  • 58 pieces of content was produced, made up of 20 pieces of emotive, relevant, personalised content shared online, and 38 influencers submitting credible testimonials Vetta can reshare.
  • Plus another 20 collabs secured for the coming months with influencers who now know, like, trust the brand

So, why do 90% of brands who’ve participated smash their goals and rebook?

  • People are 34 times more likely to respond to a message when delivered in person
  • What triggers Mums to buy your product is 50% online touchpoints and 50% offline
  • Mums value reviews and other Mums’ recommendations more than anything
    Showing/trialling your brand in person heightens advocacy and converts sales

If you would like further information contact Kids Business 03 9598 9128

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