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As you know over the last nine years we have been developing and refining the process of working with influencers and are the leaders in Leveraged Relationship Marketing.

It’s great seeing some of the biggest companies from around the world also seeing the value in investing in influencer relationship marketing..

Below is an article from The Drum Magazine, featuring Lars Silberbauer, Global Director of Social Media & Search at Lego – a brand we introduced to influencers in Australia many years back. Key insight from Lego include:

  • Millions and millions of people all around the world are following and taking inspiration from influencers 
  • Working with influencers can be pricey, but consumers are still highly engaged with them
  • Most brands still consider influencer collaborations as one-offs and don’t invest in maintaining the relationships
  • We approach influencers where there’s a fit with the brand and the influencer’s content and personality 
  • Brands need to work on creating meaningful relationships with influencers to ensure the best outcome
  • This is not purely a media platform where you only need to invest your dollars, you need to invest yourself in creating and building those relationships
  • We measure success based on the purpose of the collaboration. It can be sales, awareness or engagement. It’s also important to consider the value created long term

What can we takeaway from Lars’ insight?

  1. Working with influencers is here to stay – that’s how we are consuming media.
  2. Take time to select influencers genuinely aligned with the brand ethos
  3. It’s a different beast to broadcast media – this platform is based on real world relationships requiring 2-way conversations
  4. Invest in influencer relationships and increase your success

                                           To Ready Full Article Click Here

If you would like to see how you can leverage influencers just like Lego does, to build profitable relationships with more Mums, then let’s jump on a 15 minute Mum Marketing readiness session, where we will:
  • Determining if your business is ready to capitalize getting in front of up to 2 million mums
  • Work through your biggest challenge working with influencers
  • Share insights from our Billion Dollar Mum – what makes Mums buy report, giving you quality inside information on how to reach your market.
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