The new mobile Instagram changes hiding the number of likes an Instagram post receives will impact how brands work with Instagram influencers, recruited to create content that generates more brand ‘likers’. Largely because this change will trigger other trends.
How prepared is your team to be in control of influencer partnerships today?
Being at the forefront of influencer collaborations for 10 years now, having represented hundreds of brands and thousands of influencers via Australia Premier Influencer Marketing Events & ongoing influencer campaigns, we’ve summarised our top 10 predictions and ways we see successful influencer campaigns set to evolve:
- The Metric Shift: Less about the likes, more about interactions, impressions, reach, etc
- More Powerful Content: Content will be shaped to triggers greater response, with an increase in video content and live broadcasting
- Better fit collaborators: More effort to identify, validate and pre-screen best fit representatives who can amplify the brand values with more emotive, genuine content
- Micro influencers will shine: Our recent research with 2000+ Mums reveals that it’s the influencers with under 10,000 followers who most influence Mums to buy. In light of these insta developments, we will continue to see the rise (and power) of “micro-influencers” already adept at spreading the brand message in an intimate, trusted, personalised way
- Connection and relationships are key! Greater focus on building customer-centric communities and fostering 2-way relationship with followers. Shift away from viewing them ‘simply’ as fans.
- Not just insta collabs: Brands will extend collabs with more influencers from other platforms, i.e. Youtube, Facebook, independent blogs to widen net.
- Less ‘bought’ likes: More sponsored posts.
- Proactive repurposing of content: Brands will improve the process of repurposing influencer content across other platforms, i.e. EDMs, websites, brand social channels to leverage ROI
- Increased pressure for Influencers to shine in more ways: They will need to demonstrate their abilities in, i.e. quality of content, share of voice, community engagement, ability to drive sales, brand alignment
- Tighter laws: New regulations around promotional and advertising rules will be introduced
How Kids Business delivers superior influencer collaborations for our clients:
More influencers to choose from: We adopt a 360 degree influencer on-boarding system to attract influencers across all platforms, not just Instagram into our network. This includes facebook, independent/traditional bloggers sites, online mum-media channels, local community groups and YouTube.
We make the time to invest in long term, interpersonal relationships between influencers and the clients we represent: with meetings, events and regular calls. Developing a strong, 2-way relationship with our community has translated to rewarding partnerships and success for our clients for 10 years.
Pre-screening and validation service: Taking the extra time needed to ensure the best fit representatives results in better-aligned voices, more emotive content and greater customer buy-in. Without it, results are weakened.
Research-based influencer campaigns: Our ongoing investment in Australia-wide market research to truly know what makes mums buy your products, means we strategically shape campaigns to stimulate sales.