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How is this trend embraced by the next generation of Mums?

We are most definitely living in an era whereby consumerism is heavily driven by sustainability. Plastic straws are out, metal ones are in. Instagram feeds are heavily curated to fit the ideal image of a natural and sustainable lifestyle at every scroll of the thumb. And the next generation of families, mums and young adults are more ‘woke’ than ever.

Photo by Sylvie Tittel on Unsplash

Ethical Consumerism is changing the game!

According to a study conducted by Common Objective, over the past six years, Google searches for the key term ‘sustainable fashion’ has grown by 46 per cent, while searches for the key term ‘ethical fashion’ has grown by 25 percent (perhaps this can explain the surge of mums and bubs hanging out in cute linen pinafores and overalls). But one thing is for sure, these mums and influencers are determined, pushing the idea that ethical consumerism is the greatest thing since sliced [sour dough, organic] bread – and this will affect you if you are not willing to jump on board.

This message (trend or not), is pushing for a more ethical economy (Because climate change and human rights is most definitely a thing for this next generation!) and it is important for brands to understand the social conscious consumer to truly grasp an idea of the shift driving decisions in the marketplace.

Consumers are putting their money where their mouth is:

In 2015, Nielson’s annual Global Corporate Suitability report show 66% of consumers will be inclined to spend more on a product if it was from a sustainable brand, and 73% of millennials are willing to pay extra. To put it plainly, above all, millennials and future generations are keen to see brands they love, practice business in a sustainable and ethical manner. And quite frankly, are beginning to form the future of the marketplace with this way of thinking.

What you can do to make sure you’re keeping up:

It is no secret this group is loud on social media, their opinions ricochet platforms and their recommendations gospel to their followers. This is why, it is imperative to listen to what they have to say and what they expect from you, as a brand, as a leader. So, Millennials are on the hunt for 4 qualities in a brand. They are:

  1. To be actively invested to improve society and the solution of social problems
  2. To focus on making a positive impact on the world
  3. To be honest and transparent about their goals and engage in two-way communication with their audience.
  4. To be committed to philanthropy

In light of this, Kids Business reached out to our own tribe of Mums involved in our Market Research polls, to find out how much a company’s sustainability and ethical practices influence our followers purchasing decisions. Here are the results:

  • 84% of Mums said they certainly care about purchasing products that are environmentally friendly, compared to the 16% of users who said they were “not fussed”
  • Those buyers who care, are most concerned with:
    • 55% said “the company’s overall commitment to eco practices”
    • 35% said “how the product is made” and
    • 10% said they care for eco-friendly packaging.
  • And lastly, when asked if they care about buying products that are environmentally friendly more or less than they did last year, a whopping 76% of Mums indicated they care MORE, with 20% of respondents sharing the same views as last year and a minuscule 3% caring LESS

Prime example:

Big brands like Unilever are an example of pioneers of sustainable innovation are taking the lead when it comes to listening to their eco-consumers, by implementing strategies and constantly working on ways to become better in the eyes of the purchaser and essentially the world. Check out their most recent efforts to make all their plastics packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.

There you have it – sustainable consumerism is increasingly becoming a factor in your consumer’s purchasing habits and your corporate social responsibility (CSR) is now under the spotlight of those who are woke and socially conscious.

What does this mean for your brand?

It is time to recognise that this is no longer a trend, it’s a lifestyle, it’s the future.

Attitudes are shaping their intentions and their intentions are ultimately influencing, not only their own shopping behaviour but also their followers’ actions.

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